Wednesday 1 October 2014

Packaging Development

Feedback from class critiques :

-Cant see anything thats market style.
-defiantly white instead of black background
-Make logo more chalkboard
-need a visual reference to cookies so it looks more like cookies
-To healthy looking- needs to look younger
-Maybe change essence- "share a moment" needs changing maybe
-Add more colour
-Maybe change clapboard images
-Work on logo
-Try a bite into the cookies will go with name of the brand "organic Bites"
-Felt texture hand drawn rustic
-no black in logo doesn't look natural
-needs to look more rustic- messy hand drawn like the chalkboard images
-Storys about people at the market a narrative at the back
-need to add ernest to it
-print it on off white creamy white
-Yes defiantly white no black
-Hanging banner maybe
-flags look like market stalls
-looks like a market have that vibe and feel to it

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