Wednesday 15 October 2014

Final presentation

Part 6 of brief- Design Response

Testing our packaging- Making our finals

We did a test for colour to see if we got the right Colors and they were what we wanted. Showing our test cookie box and us actually doing our final boxes. Front back top and side are all great and it all works for our finals. 

Monday 6 October 2014

Ingredients of key flavors and pattern

These are the designs of our key flavors we have put each fruit/herb/chocolate on the bottom of our packaging to enhance the yumminess of our product. With the wooden pallets as our background we needed our brand to still look like yum bright and fresh. These ingredients highlight the key flavours of each one and show the uniqueness of some with enhances markets and NZ made produce. WE put a pattern on the side and in the top slip of the packaging to add more brightness and to show how fresh the produce is. This colour really works well with the packaging and highlights the fresh bright NZ produce and the home made factor too. 

Development of logo and banners

Screenshots showing the development of the market banners on each page. We still kept the banners from our critique but edited them and made drop shadows to make them less flat. We enhanced the colour to make it brighter where we introduce our flavour to make it stand out more. We still need to figure out if the wood pallets are going to be our back ground as it would work really well with all the colours but we will try lout different backgrounds for exploration.

Development of logo/ Inspiration

Looking at farm market style text

Looking at market stamps for our logo-

Logo Exploration- Ended up having a stamp as our logo as its rustic and market style

Development of logo- We originally had the name organic bites very simple but after critique we do need to change it. The font is well is to tidy so we then went with the name Market bites- We were trying to figure out what type of circle shape. On the next page shows our hand written painted product name- We were trying out if we wanted a bite and different circle shapes but we don't think we need a bite. We ended up having the second in image. Black square is just highlighting the logo and showing what it looks like. We still thought it needed to look more rustic rough looking and sort of like a market stamp. We then created this logo to look more rustic and a market stamp. This works way better with the whole packaging and adds that bit of rustic market vibe.

background exploration for packaging

In today class we got a critique from Tim in class which was really helpful-So we have now changed our whole packaging and even the name instead of organic bites we are calling it market bites so it has a more market feel and we wan the packaging to look rustic hand drawn vibrant so we have played around with different backgrounds to see which one we like the best for our packaging. We will either go with the vegetable backgound or the wooden pallets background they both show markets and are very rustic and kiwi. We also need it to look yum and our biscuit is very different its a market biscuit from one bite you think of markets fruit vegetables etc we still need it to look yummy and appealing,